Welcome to the weekly PSU HRMA blog. We provide weekly updates on current PSU HRMA related events! http://www.psuhrma.blogspot.com/ 

Last Meeting of Spring Term 2012!

Join HRMA for a Business Meeting

When: Thursday May 31st, 2012
Where: SBA 140
Time: 4:15-5:15 

Main Topic: Casino Night

Submit Your Résumé!
PSU HRMA Résumé Book - Deadline Extended to June 7th! 

Every spring, PSU HRMA members are given the opportunity to submit their résumé for inclusion in the PSU HRMA Résumé Book. This book will be posted on the College Relations page of the PHRMA website. This is a great opportunity to polish up your résumé and get noticed.
Résumé Book Submissions:
 - The deadline for Résumé Book submissions has been extended to Thursday, June 7th
-  Email résumés to Lindsey Corbin, VP of External Relations, at lindseyc@pdx.edu
-  Complete a Résumé Book Consent Form:
o    Forms can be dropped off during Thursday HRMA chapter meetings
-OR- in our mailbox on the 5th floor in SBA Faculty Services


Be A Star-Join HRMA!
Interested in Joining PSU HRMA and SHRM? Please e-mail psuhrma@gmail.com for more information. Just a reminder that you do need to renew your memberships every year. PSU HRMA memberships are valid from September-June.
 Don't forget: You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn!!! /psu_hrma http://www.facebook.com/ look up PSU HRMA http://www.linkedin.com/in/psuhrma Blog updated by: Nina Figini, VP Internal Relations - PSU HRMA psuhrma@gmail.com

Welcome to the weekly PSU HRMA blog. We provide weekly updates on current PSU HRMA related events! http://www.psuhrma.blogspot.com/ 

 Last Guest Speaker Meeting of the Term!

Join us for the Recent Graduates Panel!
Talk with HRMA Alumni about life after college, the job search process, and how to make your personal journey "From Backpack to Briefcase" a success!

Stephanie Gillett, Doug Mansfield, and Earl Meininger

When: Thursday May 24th, 2012
Where: SBA 140
Time: 4:15-5:15

Submit Your Résumé!
PSU HRMA Résumé Book

Every spring, PSU HRMA members are given the opportunity to submit their résumé for inclusion in the PSU HRMA Résumé Book. This book will be posted on the College Relations page of the PHRMA website. This is a great opportunity to polish up your résumé and get noticed.
Résumé Book Submissions:
 - Résumés are due by Thursday, May 24th
-  Email résumés to Lindsey Corbin, VP of External Relations, at 
-  Complete a 
Résumé Book Consent Form:
* Forms can be dropped off during Thursday HRMA chapter meetings
-OR- in our mailbox on the 5th floor in SBA Faculty Services


There are 3 internship opportunities at Seterus! - Send your resume now!
Seterus is a Residential Mortgage Servicing Company.  They have offices in Oregon and North Carolina.  Their website can be found at:  www.seterus.com.
Seterus will be accepting resumes between now and close of business on May 23, 2012 
For these 3 internships, resumes can be emailed directly to Lisa Robinson as the postings are not yet up on their recruiting site.  

Lisa Robinson
Managing Director, Human Resources
Seterus, Inc.
14523 SW Millikan Way, Suite 200
Beaverton, Oregon 97005
(503) 686-7347
These positions are also posted with the PSU Career Center, but Lisa is hoping to specifically tap into the network of students focused on HR related studies.
Important Information: 

1. The internship start date is June 18.  The end date in most cases will be August 30, but is negotiable if a student doesn’t start classes until mid September. 
2. These are paid internships ($15 - $18/hour).
3.This is a 40 hours/week position, but we can discuss on a case by case basis if an intern needs a day off or an afternoon off to take care of personal business, etc.  

Qualifications for Internships in HR and CMO:
-       Minimum of 3 years/Junior year completed toward Bachelors’ Degree
-       GPA of 3.0 or higher
-       Exceptional interpersonal skills
-       Strong organizational skills
1.     Intern A: Organization Change/Effectiveness
a.     Major - Organizational Development, Organizational Psychology, Human Resources, or other degree program that focuses on competencies related to organization change management, organizational development and/or organizational effectiveness.
b.    Communications – Strong verbal and written communications skills.  Intermediate to advanced skills in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint; SharePoint desired but not required. 
c.     Project Skills – Ability to undertake assignments with a project discipline, including managing to a project plan/schedule or deliverables. 
d.    Assignment Focus – Will assist the team in conducting change impact assessments, change readiness assessments, drafting change plans, and project communications.  This individual may assist with analysis of data for presentations to our managing directors, and presenting as appropriate.  Will help with other aspects of internal communications including FAQ documents, and leadership, intra-departmental, and inter-departmental communications. An intern with more advanced skills may be assigned more advanced organization change management activities, and/or activities as outlined for the Intern #2 role below.   
2.     Intern B: Employee Engagement / Employee Survey Process
a.     Major - Organizational Development, Organizational Psychology, Human Resources, or other degree program that focuses on competencies related to organization change management, organizational development and/or organizational effectiveness.  Alternatively, a major in an analytical discipline (e.g. operations research). 
b.    Communications – Strong verbal and written communications skills.  Intermediate to advanced skills in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint; SharePoint desired but not required.
c.     Data Analysis – Intermediate to advanced skills in Excel and PowerPoint, including ability to analyze a large raw output file to summarize large numbers and categories of survey responses, and organized into a comprehensive executive summary document in PowerPoint.  Includes ability to interpret the results, compare to target/benchmark results, and derive logical action recommendations to address employee satisfaction/engagement, pulse and values findings. 
d.    Assignment Focus – Will compile, analyze, and summarize August 2012 (anonymous) employee survey results to be presented to executive management by the Change Management Office (CMO) leadership.  Will assist the CMO in other employee engagement deliverables, including optimizing enterprise employee recognition programs, writing content for monthly culture plan “brown bag” series topics, and working with the CMO team to develop and execute strategies and actions targeted to increase employee engagement.  May work on organizational design and transition management efforts, as well as other joint organizational development efforts by the CMO and the Seterus Learning and Development team. May cross over into some of the assignment activities for the Intern #1 role above.  
3.        Intern C:  Human Resources / Learning and Development
a. Major – Human Resources, Organizational Psychology, Organizational Development, or other degree program that focuses on competencies related to HR and Training.  
b.  Communications - Strong verbal and written communications skills.  Intermediate to advanced skills in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint; SharePoint desired but not required.  Must be able to maintain confidentiality and have a high degree of integrity. 
c. Assignment Focus -   Will partner with the Organizational Development team to help design and deliver programs such as a Mentorship Program and enhancing our New Hire processes.  May assist the Training department with curriculum development and delivery.  Will spend some time assisting with our Campus Recruiting initiatives.    
PSU HRMA highly encourages you to submit your resumes as soon as possible to Lisa. Not only are internships difficult to attain, but paid ones especially. An internship could give you the hands on experience you need before you graduate and enter the work force!

Be A Star-Join HRMA!
Interested in Joining PSU HRMA and SHRM? Please e-mail psuhrma@gmail.com for more information. Just a reminder that you do need to renew your memberships every year. PSU HRMA memberships are valid from September-June.
 Don't forget: You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn!!! /psu_hrma http://www.facebook.com/ look up PSU HRMA http://www.linkedin.com/in/psuhrma Blog updated by: Nina Figini, VP Internal Relations - PSU HRMA psuhrma@gmail.com

Welcome to the weekly PSU HRMA blog. We provide weekly updates on current PSU HRMA related events! http://www.psuhrma.blogspot.com/ 

HRMA Announcements!

Fantastic news! Portland HRMA (PHRMA) has awarded our student chapter with a grant to help pay the way to Atlanta! Many thanks to our ever supportive parent chapter!

Also, Casino Night is June 16th! Think your organization might want to sponsor? Or think you could sell a few tickets to the HR staff? Please support Casino Night by selling a sponsorship or event tickets. Your fellow members would greatly appreciate it! Please download this Event Flyer, Sponsorship Letter, and Sponsorship Flyer! Any other questions can be answered by contacting Lorissa at psuhrma@gmail.com!

The mentioned documents are attached to this e-mail.

This Weeks Guest Speaker(s)!

Date: May 17th, 2012

Where: SBA 140
 Kim Gramm  - Benefit Program Manager, PeaceHealth
 Kerensa Pierce -  Compensation Specialist, Knowledge Universe

Topics: Total Rewards, Compensation, Benefits and Work Experience
**Kim is a part of Columbia Willamette Compensation Group (CWCG), a local organization of professionals in compensation and benefits fields. They offer courses and workshops designed to educate, as well as keep up with hot topics, trends and practices. CWCG is a local network affiliate of WorldatWork.


Be A Star-Join HRMA!
Interested in Joining PSU HRMA and SHRM? Please e-mail psuhrma@gmail.com for more information. Just a reminder that you do need to renew your memberships every year. PSU HRMA memberships are valid from September-June.
 Don't forget: You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn!!! /psu_hrma http://www.facebook.com/ look up PSU HRMA http://www.linkedin.com/in/psuhrma Blog updated by: Nina Figini, VP Internal Relations - PSU HRMA psuhrma@gmail.com