Welcome to the weekly PSU HRMA blog.
We provide weekly updates on current PSU HRMA related events!
PSU HRMA Speaker Meeting
Emerging Trends in EEO Laws
Speaker: Bryne Moore
Wednesday, October 29th
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Smith room 229
Open to all majors. Food provided.
Attention joining members or those considering!
Join HRMA/SHRM before October 29th and automatically be entered in a drawing to win an Ipod Shuffle AND a $100 Amazon.com Gift Card.
The drawing will take place at our meeting on
Wednesday, October 29th (Smith room 229).
We would love to see you there!
Have ideas or suggestions for Winter and Spring term activities?
The leadership team for PSU HRMA is already planning Winter and Spring term speaker meetings and other programs.
Please send all speaker and program ideas to psuhrma@gmail.com, attention Emily Harris.
2nd Annual AMA and HRMA Appreciation Event
Both members and alumni welcome.
Bring a friend or significant other.
Billards, XBox, Bowling and more!
Pizza and Raffle Prizes!
Friday, November 21st
7:00pm - Midnight
Smith Gameroom (Basement of Smith)
PSU HRMA Speaker Meeting from Last Week
Thank you to Daryl Dixon for speaking on Diversity Issues in the Workplace.
Other events of interest at PSU
Work-Family Stress: Implications for Safety and Health
Symposium presented by
CROET and PSU Occupational Health Psychology Program
Friday, November 7th
8:45am - 3:30pm
University Place, PSU
Reduced registration fee for students
(if registration received by October 31st).
For more information visit
Tip of the Week for
the School of Business Administration
Start thinking about scholarships!
(for the 2009/2010 school year)
SBA Applying for Scholarships Workshop
Learn about how to apply, tips on what to include in your essays and who makes a good reference.
Tuesday, October 28th
SBA room 390
Prior registration is not required.
Blog updated by: Kerensa Loucks, VP Internal Relations - PSU HRMA