Your Hidden Paycheck Speaker: Linda Rutledge, CFP, CRPC
Wednesday, November 26th 1:00pm - 2:00pm Smith room 323 (NOTE room change)
Open to all majors. Food provided. ____________________________________
December PHRMA Board Meeting *Volunteers Needed
Please e-mail ASAP if you are interested.
Tuesday, December 2nd Noon - 5:30pm with a working lunch
Aquariva (Avalon Hotel & Spa 4650 SW Macadam Avenue )
Volunteers will be taking notes at the meeting.
This is a great way to become involved within PSU HRMA. By volunteering, you will have the opportunity to interact with HR Professionals. Lunch is also included.
*Volunteers are required to be members of PSU HRMA.
If you are interested in volunteering e-mail with the subject line December PHRMA Board Meeting.
Planning your schedule for Winter Term?
PSU HRMA Speaker Meeting time (Winter Term)
Wednesdays 4:15pm - 5:15pm Smith ____________________________________ Membership Special Ending soon!
If you have a friend or classmate that is interested in joining, please urge them to join now so they can take advantage of the cost savings.
If they join both HRMA and SHRM now, they save $15. E-mail for more information. ____________________________________
Available Appointed Officer Position
We are still looking for a Valentine's Day Rose Sale Coordinator E-mail for more information. ____________________________________ PSU HRMA Speaker from Last Week
He also recommends joining LinkedIn at ____________________________________ AMA and HRMA Appreciation Event Last Week
Thank you to all the members who attended this event. It was a hit and everyone seemed to enjoy the evening. ____________________________________ Tip of the Week for the School of Business Administration
Being an HR Generalist for a Non - Profit Speaker: Mark Kajitani, SPHR
Wednesday, November 19th (This Wednesday) 1:00pm - 2:00pm Smith room 294 (NOTE room change)
Open to all majors. Food provided. ____________________________________
2nd Annual AMA and HRMA Appreciation Event
Prospective members, members and alumni welcome. Bring a friend or significant other.
Billards, XBox, Bowling and more!
Pizza and Raffle Prizes!
Friday, November 21st (This Friday) 7:00pm - Midnight Smith Gameroom (Basement of Smith) ____________________________________
December PHRMA 2008 & 2009 board members meeting *Volunteers Needed
Tuesday, December 2nd 12:00pm - 5:30pm with a working lunch followed by dinner & drinks from 6-8:00pm
Aquariva (Avalon Hotel & Spa 4650 SW Macadam Avenue )
Volunteers will be taking notes at the Board Retreat and are invited to participate for the entire day free of charge.
This is a great way to become involved within PSU HRMA. By volunteering, you will have the opportunity to interact with HR Professionals. Lunch is also included.
*Volunteers are required to be members of PSU HRMA.
If you are interested in volunteering e-mail with the subject line December PHRMA 2008 & 2009 board members meeting.
Please e-mail ASAP.
Deadline for volunteering: Monday, November 24th
Planning your schedule for Winter Term?
PSU HRMA Speaker Meeting time (Winter Term)
Wednesdays 4:15pm - 5:15pm Smith ____________________________________ Available Appointed Officer Position
We are still looking for a Valentine's Day Rose Sale Coordinator E-mail for more information. ____________________________________ Reminder - Available Elected Officer Position If you are interested in the Secretary position please e-mail PSU HRMA President, Doug Mansfield at Deadline to apply: Wednesday, November 19th Officer Elections:Wednesday, November 19th (Right before the speaker) ____________________________________
PSU HRMA Speaker from Last Week
Thank you to speaker Ann Mamallo for presenting Developing Smart Doers into Smart Leaders: Avoiding the 'My Way' Trap.
Additional information can be found at ____________________________________ PHRMA Member Appreciation Event Last Week
Thank you to our members Marianne Holm, Steve Jarosz, Sarah King, Kerensa Loucks, Jennifer McMillan, Jason Wilde for volunteering at the PHRMA Appreciation Event on Wednesday, Novemeber 12th. ____________________________________ Tip of the Week for the School of Business Administration
Interview and Job Offer Workshop Wednesday, November 29th 4:05 - 5:30pm SBA room 290 _____________________________________
PSU HRMA Speaker Meeting time for Winter Term will be
Wednesdays, 4:15pm - 5:15pm. ____________________________________ PSU HRMA Speaker Meeting
Developing Smart Doers into Smart Leaders: Avoiding the 'My Way' Trap Speaker: Ann Mamallo
Wednesday, November 12th
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Smith room 229
Open to all majors. Food provided. ____________________________________ Planning your schedule for Winter Term?
PSU HRMA Speaker Meeting time
(Winter Term)
Wednesdays 4:15pm - 5:15pm
____________________________________ Available Officer Position
We are still looking for a
Valentine's Day Rose Sale Coordinator
E-mail for more information. ____________________________________
2nd Annual AMA and HRMA Appreciation Event
Prospective members, members and alumni welcome.
Bring a friend or significant other.
Billards, XBox, Bowling and more!
Pizza and Raffle Prizes!
Friday, November 21st 7:00pm - Midnight Smith Gameroom (Basement of Smith) ____________________________________
Tip of the Week for events by the School of Business Administration
Interview and Job Offer Workshop Wednesday, November 19th
4:05pm - 5:30pm
SBA room 290
PHRMA Member Appreciation Event *Volunteers Needed
Your Human Resources Career
How to Make it More than a Job! Speaker:Sharon Koss, SPHR, CCP, and long time HR Consultant/SHRM Author
Wednesday, November 12th 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Double Tree Hotel at Lloyd Center (1000 NE Multnomah)
Volunteers help with check in, raffle tickets and the wall of wine fundraiser.
This is a great way to become involved within PSUHRMA. By volunteering, you will have the opportunity to interact with HR Professionals. Appetizers are also included.
*Volunteers are required to be members of PSUHRMA
If you are interested in volunteering e-mail with the subject line PHRMA Appreciation Event.
Please e-mail ASAP.
Deadline for volunteering: Tuesday, November 4th _____________________________________
2nd Annual AMA and HRMA Appreciation Event
Prospective members, members and alumni welcome.
Bring a friend or significant other.
Billards, XBox, Bowling and more!
Pizza and Raffle Prizes!
Friday, November 21st 7:00pm - Midnight Smith Gameroom (Basement of Smith) _____________________________________
*Additional PSUHRMA officers
elected on Wednesday, October 29th
*We are still looking for a Valentine's Day Rose Sale Coordinator. E-mail for more information.
____________________________________ Congratulations to new member Jennifer McMillan!
She won an Ipod Shuffle AND a $100 Gift Card in our drawing for new members. ____________________________________
Have ideas or suggestions for Winter and Spring term activities?
The leadership team for PSUHRMA is already planning Winter and Spring term speaker meetings and other programs.
Please send all speaker and program ideas to, attention Emily Harris.
PSUHRMA Speaker Meeting from Last Week
Thank you to Bryne Moore for speaking on Emerging Trends in EEO Laws.
Resources recommended by Bryne:
EEOC website – laws, guidance, FAQ, case summaries
OR Bureau of Labor & Industries (BOLI) __________________________________ Comments from Alan Cabelly, PSUHRMA Faculty Advisor as a follow up to the Speaker Meeting
(Not considered Legal Advice)
Colleagues, I attended Bullard's Annual Law briefing last week. One of the items discussed at length was the new ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) signed into law a month ago. Bullard sent the following message that has their pdf identifying the significant changes.
BullardeAlert: ADA Amendments Act redefines disability
On January 1, 2009 the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act ("ADA Amendments Act") goes into effect. The ADAAA, signed into law on September 25, 2008 by President Bush, is the first major overhaul to the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA"), 42 USC §12101 et seq., since its passage in 1990. The ADAAA expands the definition of "disability" and legislatively overturns two United States Supreme Court decisions that had become flashpoints for controversy.
Click the following link to read the BullardeAlert describing the practical import of these changes: From my notes at the briefing this is what I gleaned: 1. The definition of "Substantially limits" a major life function is to become more lenient. Bullard suggests that this becomes "compared to most people."
2. When determining whether an individual is is disabled, look at that person in an "unmedicated state." Thus, the individual who has a mental illness under control while medicated is to be treated as disabled even though he/she never appears to be disabled.
3. When determining whether an individual is disabled, look at that person when the individual is not using prosthetic devices or other measures to manage their impairments (the exception is the use of "ordinary" eyeglasses or contacts).
Thus the effect of both 2. and 3. is to treat the individual as he/she is, not as he/she has been corrected.
4. The list of major life activities and bodily functions has been expanded, including things like sleeping, eating, bending, normal cell growth, circulatory issues, etc.
5. ADAAA includes items that are in remission (like cancer) or episodic (like shingles).
6.ADAAA excludes the old rule of "a person who is regarded as disabled." (the courts have struggled with this one)
7.ADAAA excludes transitory conditions ("an impairment with an actual or expected duration of six months or less") and minor conditions.
The intent of the Amendment was to restore the ADA to what it had been originally designed to do, not how the courts had changed it.
I suspect most of you are aware of this, but I wanted to be certain of that.
The PSU online Undergraduate Scholarship application is due by 11:59 pm, Monday, February 2, 2009 Eastern Standard Time (EST). _____________________________________