PSU HRMA Weekly News (11/24/08)

Welcome to the weekly PSU HRMA blog.
We provide weekly updates on current PSU HRMA related events!

PSU HRMA Speaker Meeting

Your Hidden Paycheck
Speaker: Linda Rutledge, CFP, CRPC

Wednesday, November 26th
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Smith room 323 (NOTE room change)

Open to all majors. Food provided.


December PHRMA Board Meeting *Volunteers Needed

Please e-mail ASAP if you are interested.

Tuesday, December 2nd
Noon - 5:30pm with a working lunch

Aquariva (Avalon Hotel & Spa 4650 SW Macadam Avenue )

Volunteers will be taking notes at the meeting.

This is a great way to become involved within PSU HRMA. By volunteering, you will have the opportunity to interact with HR Professionals. Lunch is also included.

*Volunteers are required to be members of PSU HRMA.

If you are interested in volunteering e-mail with the subject line December PHRMA Board Meeting

Planning your schedule for Winter Term?

PSU HRMA Speaker Meeting time
(Winter Term)

4:15pm - 5:15pm

Membership Special Ending soon!

If you have a friend or classmate that is interested in joining,
please urge them to join now so they can take advantage of the cost savings.

If they join both HRMA and SHRM now, they save $15.

E-mail for more information.

Available Appointed Officer Position

We are still looking for a
Valentine's Day Rose Sale Coordinator

E-mail for more information.

PSU HRMA Speaker from Last Week

Thank you to speaker Mark Kajitani, SPHR for speaking on
being an HR Generalist for a Non - Profit.

Websites Recommended by Mark:

He also recommends joining LinkedIn at

AMA and HRMA Appreciation Event Last Week

Thank you to all the members who attended this event.
It was a hit and everyone seemed to enjoy the evening.


Tip of the Week for

the School of Business Administration

Job Search Seminar

Tuesday, December 16th
9:30am - 12:30pm
SBA room TBA


Blog updated by: Kerensa Loucks, VP Internal Relations - PSU HRMA