Welcome to the weekly PSU HRMA blog.
We provide weekly updates on current PSU HRMA related events and information.
PHRMA Scholarships
The Portland Human Resource Management Association is awarding two $1,000 scholarships.
Note that you must be a member of PSU HRMA to apply.
Click Here to view a PDF file of the PHRMA Scholarship Application
If you would like a word file of the PHRMA Scholarship Application, please e-mail psuhrma@gmail.com (It was also e-mailed to all members).
PSU HRMA Meeting
Wednesday, January 28th
4:15 - 5:15pm
Smith room 328
Learn about two upcoming conferences:
-PacWest Conference in Boise, ID (April 3-5)
-NHRMA Student Conference in Bellingham, WA (April 17-19)
One of our faculty advisors, Alan Cabelly will be speaking about the two conference.
This is the time to express your interest in attending either of these conferences.
Membership Special Ends this Friday!
If you have a friend or classmate that is interested in joining,
please urge them to join now so they can take advantage of the cost savings.
If they join both HRMA and SHRM now, they save $15.
(HRMA membership dues are waived).
Membership Special ends January 31, 2009
E-mail psuhrma@gmail.com for more information.
Valentine's Day Rose Sale
There are various ways to help out with this event including collecting orders, preparing orders and delivering orders.
*Remember that you are considered an active member by volunteering for PSU HRMA. This is important for members wanting to receive funding towards the SHRM Conference.
E-mail Renee at psuhrma@gmail.com if you would like additional information.
SHRM Conference Information Meeting
Monday, February 2, 2009
4:15pm - 5:15pm
SBA room 270
Information will include:
-Itinerary of the conference in New Orleans.
-Guidelines of what is expected of you in order to attend.
-Deadlines to register, sign the contract, pay money etc.
-How much the trip will cost (for HRMA and you).
Golf Tournament Committee Meeting
(First Meeting)
Monday, February 9th
4:00pm - 5:00pm
SBA room 270
Everyone is invited to attend.
This will be an informational meeting and we will be going over some of the beginning details of the tournament.
*This is our primary fundraiser for members attending the SHRM Conference.
Volunteering at the PHRMA Golf Tournament is a requirement for members attending the SHRM Conference.
E-mail psuhrma@gmail.com if you would like to be part of the PHRMA Golf Tournament Committee.
PHRMA Lunch Program Last Week
Thank you to Emily Harris, Stephanie Hunt, Steve Meyers and Linda Miller
for volunteering at the PHRMA Lunch Program on Wednesday, January 21st.
PSU HRMA Speaker Last Week
Thank you to Peter Paskill for speaking on resumes.
For more information visit:
Tips of the Week for
the School of Business Administration
Apply for 2009-2010 Scholarships
(Deadline: Monday, February 2, 2009)
Access the PSU online Undergraduate Scholarship application at:
Note: This includes specific HR Scholarships.
(Be sure to also fill out the School of Business Administration section of the online application).
The PSU online Undergraduate Scholarship application is due by 11:59 pm, Monday, February 2, 2009 Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Blog updated by: Kerensa Loucks, VP Internal Relations - PSU HRMA