Welcome to the weekly PSU HRMA blog.
We provide weekly updates on current PSU HRMA related events!
We provide weekly updates on current PSU HRMA related events!
****PSU HRMA Spring Kick-Off Meeting****
To kick-off the new spring term, HRMA will hold a Pizza Party on April 6th. Come see what HRMA has planned for spring term. Open to all majors.
When: Tuesday, April 6th
Time: 4:15-5:15pm
Where: SBA 130
Upcoming Meetings and Event Info
Resumes due for the PHRMA Resume Book: April 16th, 2010
PSU HRMA Golf Tournament: June 4, 2010
SHRM National Conference: June 27-30, 2010 San Diego
Be A Star-Join HRMA!Interested in Joining PSU HRMA and SHRM?
Please e-mail psuhrma@gmail.com for more information. You can also visit us during our office hours in the SBA room 393. Just a reminder that you do need to renew your memberships every year. PSU HRMA memberships are valid from September-June.
Please e-mail psuhrma@gmail.com for more information. You can also visit us during our office hours in the SBA room 393. Just a reminder that you do need to renew your memberships every year. PSU HRMA memberships are valid from September-June.
Don't forget: You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn!!!
Blog updated by: Natalie Hategan, VP Internal Relations - PSU HRMA