Weekly Blog March 8th

Welcome to the weekly PSU HRMA blog.
We provide weekly updates on current PSU HRMA related events!



Upcoming Meetings

There are no more meeting this term! Meetings will resume spring term.



Meetings will be held on Tuesday's from 4:15pm-5:15pm, so please mark your calendars!

More infor to come on room #.



Its almost that time to submit your resumes! PHRMA will be giving HRMA members the opportunity to showcase their professional skills via their resume on the PHRMA website. HRMA is proud to promote your resume and post in on PHRMA website for employers that are seeking talented candidates to be part of their organization. If you would like to include your resume in the Student Resume Book which will be available on the following website http://www.portlandhrma.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=2 , please make sure your resume is current and up to date. The Student Resume book will be available starting spring term, so get ready and watch for more details!


We will be having our Annual Golf Tournament on Friday June 3rd, 2011

In preparation for the tournament, we are asking that all members take the time to think about any potential golfers they may know whether in the HR community or within their circle of family and friends. We will have more information and flyers available by next week.

Also, if you are interested in volunteering, whether in preparation for the tournament or on the day of, please email psuhrma with the subject line "GOLF TOURNAMENT".

Thank you!!!


Topic: Fierce Conversations for Human Resource Development
When: Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Time: 10:30am - 1:00pm
Where: DoubleTree Hotel, Lloyd Center, 1000 NE Multnomah Portland, OR 97232

This is a great way to become involved within PSU HRMA and also a good way to network. If you would like to volunteer at this luncheon, please send an email to psuhrma@gmail.com with the subject line PHRMA March Luncheon. You have to be a member to volunteer..

Be A Star-Join HRMA!

Interested in Joining PSU HRMA and SHRM?

Please e-mail psuhrma@gmail.com for more information. You can also visit us during our office hours in the SBA room 393. Just a reminder that you do need to renew your memberships every year. PSU HRMA memberships are valid from September-June.

Don't forget: You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn!!!

http://www.facebook.com/ look up PSU HRMA


Blog updated by: Alisha Head, VP Internal Relations - PSU HRMA