Welcome to the weekly PSU HRMA blog. We provide weekly updates on current PSU HRMA related events! http://www.psuhrma.blogspot.com/ ______________________________________________________________

This Weeks Meeting

Thursday, April 19th from 4:15 - 5:15pm (Room SBA 140)

This Thursday's combined Business Meeting and Social will give our members the opportunity to review and make plans for our upcoming Spring events, as well as give us the opportunity to have some fun and network with one another. We look forward to touching base with our longstanding members, and the opportunity to get to know our newest members.

Topics include:

SHRM Conference

NHRMA Conference Volunteers

Officers 2012/2013

Casino Night Committee

CWCG Scholarship

And more...


Scholarship Opportunity

Columbia Willamette Compensation Group (CWCG) is a local organization of professionals in compensation and benefits fields. They offer courses and workshops designed to educate, as well as keep current with hot topics, trends and practices. CWCG is a Local Network affiliate of WorldatWork.

CWCG has established a Student Scholarship for individuals interested in exploring the Compensation and Benefits field. The purpose of the CWCG Student Scholarship Program is to promote the Compensation and Benefits profession within the Oregon/SW Washington area. Two scholarships of $500.00 each will be awarded annually (dependent upon funding) to the students demonstrating a desire to pursue a career in the Compensation and Benefits profession.

The application and additional details can be found on the CWCG website: http://www.cwcg.org/education/scholarships. Application deadline is April 30, 2012.


Be A Star-Join HRMA!
Interested in Joining PSU HRMA and SHRM? Please e-mail psuhrma@gmail.com for more information. Just a reminder that you do need to renew your memberships every year. PSU HRMA memberships are valid from September-June.


Don't forget: You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn!!! /psu_hrma http://www.facebook.com/ look up PSU HRMA http://www.linkedin.com/in/psuhrma Blog updated by: Nina Figini, VP Internal Relations - PSU HRMA psuhrma@gmail.com