Welcome to the weekly PSU HRMA blog. We provide weekly updates on current PSU HRMA related events! http://www.psuhrma.blogspot.com/ 

HRMA Announcements!

Fantastic news! Portland HRMA (PHRMA) has awarded our student chapter with a grant to help pay the way to Atlanta! Many thanks to our ever supportive parent chapter!

Also, Casino Night is June 16th! Think your organization might want to sponsor? Or think you could sell a few tickets to the HR staff? Please support Casino Night by selling a sponsorship or event tickets. Your fellow members would greatly appreciate it! Please download this Event Flyer, Sponsorship Letter, and Sponsorship Flyer! Any other questions can be answered by contacting Lorissa at psuhrma@gmail.com!

The mentioned documents are attached to this e-mail.

This Weeks Guest Speaker(s)!

Date: May 17th, 2012

Where: SBA 140
 Kim Gramm  - Benefit Program Manager, PeaceHealth
 Kerensa Pierce -  Compensation Specialist, Knowledge Universe

Topics: Total Rewards, Compensation, Benefits and Work Experience
**Kim is a part of Columbia Willamette Compensation Group (CWCG), a local organization of professionals in compensation and benefits fields. They offer courses and workshops designed to educate, as well as keep up with hot topics, trends and practices. CWCG is a local network affiliate of WorldatWork.


Be A Star-Join HRMA!
Interested in Joining PSU HRMA and SHRM? Please e-mail psuhrma@gmail.com for more information. Just a reminder that you do need to renew your memberships every year. PSU HRMA memberships are valid from September-June.
 Don't forget: You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn!!! /psu_hrma http://www.facebook.com/ look up PSU HRMA http://www.linkedin.com/in/psuhrma Blog updated by: Nina Figini, VP Internal Relations - PSU HRMA psuhrma@gmail.com