PSU HRMA Weekly News (09/26/2012)

PSU HRMA Kick-Off Meeting  
Kick off Time!
The time has come and our kick-off meeting for Fall term 2012 is this coming Thursday, October 4th at 4:15 pm in the School of Business Administration Room 140.
For membership dues, please bring the following based on the combination desired: 

  • For just HRMA membership $20 Cash or check only
  • For SHRM and HRMA Membership please bring a check, cash or credit for $35 and cash or check for $15, respectively. (These must be separate payments.
We look forward to seeing you at our presentation where we will discuss the direction we are headed and a more in-depth description of what we are doing to help each of our members succeed in the journey from backpack to briefcase.
This is a great opportunity for potential members to see what Portland State University's Human Resource Management Association is all about. PSU HRMA is one of the longest running and most decorated HRMA chapters in the nation. Our student organization is committed to the development of our student's business acumen through informational and networking opportunities.
Various Activities Include:
- Weekly member meetings with professional speakers
- Resume workshops 
- Job shaddows
- Internships
- Volunteer opportunities
- Attendance at the national SHRM conference
**For more information, ATTEND THE KICK-OFF MEETING

Planning your schedule for Fall Term?
PSU HRMA Speaker Meeting time (Fall Term)
Thursdays 4:15pm - 5:15pm
SBA 140

Interested in Joining PSU HRMA and SHRM? Please e-mail for more information.

Blog updated by: Heather Miller, VP Recruiting - PSU HRMA