PSU HRMA Weekly News (2/17/09)

Welcome to the weekly PSU HRMA blog.
We provide weekly updates on current PSU HRMA related events and information.

PSU HRMA Speaker Meeting

What happens to HR in a Down Economy: A Professional's Perspective
Speaker: Jeff Eyman

Wednesday, February 11th
Smith room 296

Open to all majors. Refreshments provided.

Valentine's Day Rose Sale

Thank you to everyone who helped out with the Rose Sale.
More info to come next week.

February PHRMA Lunch Program
Corporate Social Responsibility & Business Sustainability: HR's Leadership Role

Speaker: SHRM's Director of International Programs, Howard A. Wallack, GPHR

Monday, February 25th
11:00am - 1:30pm
Double Tree Hotel at Lloyd Center (1000 NE Multnomah)

This is a great way to become involved within PSU HRMA. By volunteering at or attending a Lunch sponsored by the Portland Human Resource Management Association you will have the opportunity to interact with HR Professionals in the Portland area.

A student rate is now available for additional PSU HRMA members interested in attending the luncheon.

If you are interested in attending the luncheon with the student rate, e-mail with the subject line: Attend February PHRMA Lunch by Wednesday, February 17th.

Stephanie Hunt
VP External Relations

PSU HRMA Speaker Last Week

Thank you to Tanya Barham for speaking to us last week about the rising cost of healthcare and wellness as a strategy.

For more information about her organization visit:

Tips of the Week for
the School of Business Administration

21st Annual Career Information Day

Wednesday, February 18th
11:00am - 3:00pm
Smith 3rd Floor Ballroom

This annual event is sponsored by the PSU Career Center.
Employers share career and job-related information with PSU students and alumni.

For more information visit:

Spring 2009 Registration Dates

*Note: registration begins at 8:00am

Graduates and Postbac Graduates: Monday 2/16/2009

Seniors: Wednesday 2/18/2009

Postbac Undergraduates: Monday 2/23/2009

Juniors: Wednesday 2/25/2009

Sophomores: Monday 3/02/2009

Freshman: Wednesday 3/04/2009

Quick Entry/SBA Non-Admit Day: Monday 3/09/2009

Blog updated by: Kerensa Loucks, VP Internal Relations - PSU HRMA