Welcome to the weekly PSU HRMA blog.
We provide weekly updates on current PSU HRMA related events and information.
PSU HRMA Speaker Meeting
The things your employment attorney wished you did (or didn't) do.
Speaker: Lisa Umscheid
Wednesday, February 25th
Smith room 238 (NOT room 328)
Open to all majors. Refreshments provided.
Lisa Umscheid practices employment law at Ball Janik LLP. She has considerable legal expertise in employment law counseling, employment litigation, labor law, and general government law.
*PSU HRMA Speaker Meeting
Humane Resources: The Secret Retention Program
Speaker: Iris Sasaki
Wednesday, March 4th
Smith room 294
Open to all majors. Refreshments provided.
Lisa Umscheid practices employment law at Ball Janik LLP. She has considerable legal expertise in employment law counseling, employment litigation, labor law, and general government law.
*Last speaker meeting of Winter Term.
PSU HRMA Speaker Last Week
Thank you to Jeff Eyman for speaking to us last week about
What happens to HR in a Down Economy: A Professional's Perspective.
Employer Panel Discussion:
Job Opportunities in a Tough Economy
Tuesday, March 3rd
4:00 - 5:30pm
SBA room 290
This event is co-sponsored by the SBA Student Organizations and the Undergraduate Career Services office. The last 30 minutes of this event will be open for students to meet with the panelists and the SBA student organization leaders.
Tips of the Week for
the School of Business Administration
SBA Job Fair
Friday, April 17th
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Smith room TBA
Dress is Business Casual.
Seniors and recent grads are invited to meet local employers.
Bring your resume. This is an excellent networking opportunity.
Interview Coaching Day for Seniors
Participants will:
Be scheduled for a 30-minute practice interview with a business professional. Receive valuable tips and feedback.
Gain confidence for their future job-search.
Thursday, April 30th
9:00am - 4:00pm (Scheduled 30 minute appointments)
To register: Send a copy of your resume, along with your registration request to franm@sba.pdx.edu or bring a copy of your resume to SBA Career Services SBA room 240.
You MUST provide a copy of your resume to participate.
Blog updated by: Kerensa Loucks, VP Internal Relations - PSU HRMA